Accessibility Statement.

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Course Descriptions

The Rose‑Hulman Master of Science in Engineering Management and Master of Engineering Management are designed for engineers who seek to deepen their technical background while acquiring solid, forward-looking management credentials. In our curricula, you'll find the management foundations of an MBA, but with added technical focus. We provide technology and business leaders a convenient fast track to the integration of management skills and critical technical knowledge.

EMGT 590 - Integrated Project

  • Credit Hours: as assigned; however, not more than 8 credits can be applied to MS degree requirements
  • Term Available: -
  • Graduate Studies Eligible: Yes
  • Prerequisites: Completion of technical component and business core or permission of instructor
  • Corequisites: None

The integration of business and technical considerations in new product development. The identification of managerial and engineering challenges faced in developing a commercially viable new product within the context of a rapidly changing and highly competitive business environment. Readings, case studies and individual projects dealing with strategic planning, entrepreneurship, new product development, and related topics. The focus is on a major team project. This integrated project must include the identification of a new product including all relevant business and technical issues and the development of a detailed plan for profitably bringing this new product to market. A final report with oral presentations is required.

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